IRBCAM CSV and JSON import formats

IRBCAM CSV Import Format:

   x,     y,    z,   rz1,    ry, rz2, motion_type, velocity, tool_number, spindle_speed
  10,  12.2,   -2,  -4.4,  -0.1,   0,           0,     0.45,           4,         100.0
 9.5,    13, -3.4,  -4.2,   0.1,   0,           1,       -1,           3,         150.0
10.5, 12.25, -2.5, -4.45, -0.15, 0.5,           0,        1,           4,           0.0

motion_type is 0 for a linear move, and 1 for an arc mid-point. The order of rotation for the tool vector is the Euler angles RotZ(rz1) * RotY(ry) * RotZ(rz2). velocity is in mm/sec.x,y,z are in mm. rz1,ry,rz2 are in degrees.Spindle speed is in RPM (rotations per minute)

IRBCAM JSON Import Format:

    "targets": {
        "pX": [-100.0,-99.5472,-98.1929],
        "pY": [0.0,9.5056,18.9251],
        "pZ": [0.0,2.0202,4.0404],
        "rZ": [0.0,0.0,0.0],
        "rY": [3.141592653589793,3.141592653589793,3.141592653589793],
        "rz2": [0.0,0.0,0.0],
        "type": [0,0,0]
    "velocity": {"i": [0],"value": [100.0]},
    "tool": {"i": [0],"value": [1]},
    "spindle": {"i": [0],"value": [796]}

type is 0 for a linear move, and 1 for an arc mid-point. The order of rotation for the tool vector is the Euler angles RotZ(rZ) * RotY(rY) * RotZ(rz2). velocity, tool and spindle are imported as sparse data vectors. velocity is in mm/sec. pX, pY, pZ are in mm. rz1,ry,rz2 are in radians.Spindle speed is in RPM (revolutions per minute)