Chaining Multiple Toolpaths

In this tutorial it will be demonstrated how to chain multiple toolpaths together and how to Solve Path when machining 5 sides of a cube. The APT files needed are made available at the bottom of this tutorial.

First, define a project with an ABB IRB6400R-2.5-200 robot and attach the spindle ELTE-TMA4 to it. Define the User Frame at X=1650, Y=0, Z=1000 and add a Cuboid with settings as shown below:

Next, import the APT file named cube_5_sides_part_1.apt. After this, import the second APT file named cube_5_sides_part_2.apt and mark the checkbox Append as seen below:

If there were more APT files to include, they can just be added sequentially with the Append option checked. When all APT files have been chained together into the station, select Edit - Targets and select Target number 1. At the bottom of the target window there is a section called Configure Max Distance. Use this function with the parameters seen below:


Click on CONFIGURE. What this function does is to interpolate the toolpath from the chained APT files with a maximum linear distance of 20mm and a maximum orientation change of 30 degrees between the targets. With smaller distances between the targets in both linear and orientation directions it will be easier for IRBCAM to solve the path and to reduce the risk of unwanted movements between the targets and collisions. After Configure Max Distance with the settings above, the number of targets will increase from 37 to 433.

Finally, go to SOLVE PATH and use the settings shown below:


Note that Dynamic Mode 2 is selected here. This mode is used when the toolpath contains machining from the sides (when the tool is in the XY-plane). Dynamic Mode 1 is the preferred choice when the tool is mainly vertical and far away from the XY-plane. Note that the Allow Large Reorient checkbox is also selected.

After successfully solving the path with the settings above, the robot movements can be simulated by pressing the play button near the bottom, middle of the screen. The simulation will look like the video below: (569 Bytes)