Export Robot Code

I created the station CHCRC-Robot, using the IRB6400-2.4-M9/ robot, defined a generic tool, created an object frame and imported the APT File. I was able to generate a toolpath successfully. But when I tried to export the robot code I encountered the error message (see attached file)

Welcome to the forum!

This bug is fixed in v0.5.1 released today.

PS: If you use the “Help - Feedback - Bug Report” in the app in addition to the forum, then the developers will get more detailed information about your case.

it seems, it lost all the statioin I created today. I will recreate the station again. I attached the error code I received when trying to load a station.
Sending this message by using the feedback button caused additional errors

I used the Firefox browser when the errors occured. I do not get the errors when using the edge browser. From now on I use edge: Do you recommend a particular browser?

The Firefox browser is supported and recommended. We will change the text “Invalid Session Token” to say that the session has been logged out in the next release. Could you try to just log in again and load your station with “File - Open Station”? Your work is not lost, at least there will be an autosaved station.

You should also check the version number in “Help - About IRBCAM”. If you are not on the latest release, try to press F5 or CTRL+F5 in the browser to update (after saving your station).