ABB Robot Controllers Ethernet Connection

A PC can be connected to the service channel of ABB robot controllers using the following TCP/IP properties on the PC. The properties below are for S4C+ controllers. For IRC5 controllers the settings are the same except that the subnet mask should be set

To check that the connection from the PC to the robot controller is working properly, use: ping

Files generated by IRBCAM can be transfered to the robot controller by using an FTP client (for example FileZilla). Connect to the ABB controller using the IP address, username=abb and password=abb

In order to connect the robot to a network, use the LAN port instead of the service channel. The IP address of the LAN port can be set by:

Service - Restart - 159 - X-Start
Select Network Settings
Select the System
Enter the desired fixed IP address, or select DHCP if you want to receive an IP address from your router